“If there is no God,
everything is
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky, paraphrase of The Brothers Karamazov
“Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.”
– Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil in the world is for good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke, paraphrased in an inaugural address by John Stuart Mill,
University of St. Andrews, 1867
Welcome to my website!
I am a proud Torah-observant Jew living in Israel who has written an authentic, intimate memoir of religious return, Crimson to White: Secrets of a Spiritual Rebirth. I have established this website to publicize my upcoming memoir for the sake of influencing my fellow Jews. Like many, I see twentieth-century history inexorably repeating itself today, bringing Jews and non-Jews into mortal struggle that no good person wants to repeat. How can I keep silent in the face of increasing threats to my fellow Jews when the trend can be reversed, for the benefit of all?
Antisemitism that Jews are suffering today in Israel, America, and elsewhere—as painful as it is—has a positive Divine purpose: to awaken us Jews to introspection and change.

As an expatriate American Jew living in Israel, I share the exasperation that many Americans may feel in the face of the “social justice” activism of prominent leftist American Jews.

Yet perhaps I understand my secular Jewish peers better than they do as I too once was secular. Jews have natures that are intrinsically utopian. God gave us a plan for building that utopia that has long been forgotten: the Jewish Bible. By becoming personal examples of the morality required by the Jewish Torah, that utopia can be achieved. However, when Jews, with their utopian souls, are cut loose from the Torah, their idealism and passion pushes them to reshape the world into a reflection of human imperfection. It is tragic and dangerous.

Want to understand the Source of the outsized influence of the Jews and Israel
on our world today? Subscribe and receive “Cracking Open the Jewish Code”
and learn what drives Jewish Trump Derangement Syndrome on page 21.

While Jews have much to atone for, so do non-Jews. For close to two thousand years, since Christianity triumphed over paganism and became the dominant Western religion, Christians have pressured traditional Jews to abandon their faith.


Compulsory disputations between Christians and Jews,
1483 woodcut, von Armssheim

Stained glass in Worms, Germany depicting years of Christian massacres of the Jews

St. Bernard and medieval Crusaders, among whose victims were defenseless Jews
This took many forms in history, from the early Crusades, inquisitions, and expulsions, to Christian Bible critics attacking the foundation of Hebrew Scripture, to European Christian nations requiring Jews to transgress their own biblical laws in order to join professional guilds, attend university, or maintain employment, in later centuries. The Holocaust was an unutterable blow.

Jews being burned alive in 1349, from a 14th – century manuscript ‘Antiquitates Flandriae’ by Gilles Li Muisis
Christian persecution of the Jews has contributed to the tragedy we have today whereby most American Jews and the descendants of early European Jewish immigrants to Israel are ignorant of and alienated from their own history, tradition, sacred books, and religious mission.

I am inviting the Christian world to correct the damage of centuries of Replacement Theology and supersessionism by striving with me and thousands of dedicated Jewish outreach professionals to reconnect the Jewish people to their lost biblical legacy. Non-Jewish believers in God can kindly, lovingly help us bring our message of authentic traditional Jewish observance to our assimilated Jewish neighbors, friends, co-workers, and relatives. Imagine the benefit to society at large!

The Jews were offered a unique mission through the words God gave to Moses, our prophet, in what Christians call the “Old Testament.” I am devoted to awakening the Jews to return to that mission and that Book of Books, for their own safety’s sake and for the survival and flourishing of the entire world.

Read “Cracking Open the Jewish Code”
and find out why a Jew would demonstrate for Hamas on pages 15–23.

What comes to mind when you think of the Jews of one hundred and fifty years ago (think Fiddler on the Roof)? Is it the silver-bearded pious rabbi, clutching a book, walking slowly with a cane; a wrinkled-faced wife at his side, her hair wrapped by a kerchief? Tell me, are they truly figures of world domination? Does the world have anything to fear from them?

Yet they, and their like-minded contemporary representatives, are the very Jews who imbue the whole world with supernatural blessings. My Jewish faith—brimming with subtlety and paradox—affirms that the truly strong person is the one who is a master over himself, not others.

Jews arriving at Auschwitz Death Camp
wearing obligatory yellow stars, 1944

Polish Jews forced to dig their own graves by German SS soldiers. 1939
That is why Judaism is so chock full of rules to which we must bend our will—to cultivate in us the most exquisite self-discipline. In her wonderful bestselling 2019 book Here All Along, former Obama family speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz admits that traditional Judaism sets “a much higher ethical bar” than she ever would have thought to set for herself (p. 97). This rigorous program spawned the spiritual strength and faith in God that has sustained Jews for all of human history, allowing them to helplessly enter the gas chambers before the armed Gestapo of eighty years ago with the Shema, a declaration of our loyalty to God, on their lips!

Our deeply troubled world, with its growing Islamist threat, will begin to be healed when the Jews return to their biblical calling.

Please recommend your Jewish friends, neighbors, and colleagues my website (Jewish Outreach page) and my forthcoming journey of religious return, Crimson to White: Secrets of a Spiritual Rebirth, after its release. It may touch them and open their eyes. Yours, too. Nothing softens hearts more than a riveting, inspiring story—a story within which they can glimpse themselves as well as the joy and glory that await them for returning to God.
* * *

The Queen of Sheba before the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem by Salomon de Bray (1597 – 1664)
Non-Jews have nothing to fear and everything to gain from helping to restore the Jews to their historic religious mission. Read about the time of King Solomon (1 Kings 3–10), when the world enjoyed a brief respite from war; when the wisdom and blessings emanating from the ancient Jewish Temple on the Mount saturated the world with material and spiritual grace, for everyone.

At the inauguration of the Jerusalem Temple, King Solomon himself prayed to God:
Solomon prays to God for wisdom, anonymous c. 1580

Church window in Arundel, UK,
depicting Kings Solomon, David, and Hezekiah
As Isaiah prophesied about the gentiles (56:7), “I will bring them to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer; their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar; for My House shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”

Model of Second Temple; original stood on Jerusalem Temple Mount until year 70 CE

Our fate, as believers sharing one earth, is intertwined.

Perceiving this ultimate unity is why Jews close and cover their eyes when they say the Shema, our declaration of faith: to conceal for a moment the divisiveness, the fractiousness, and the disorder to behold the Oneness that sustains all of Creation. Modern physics reveals our essential interconnectedness, for good and for ill.

Read “Cracking Open the Jewish Code” and discover how Jews hold the keys
to the redemption of the entire world.

We believers in God and the spiritual purpose behind Creation must be allies. We cannot leave the world in the hands of those who would hurl it into the abyss.
Biblical Jewish prophets foresee the coming of a perfect, redeemed world, where all peoples live in harmony with God. I seek the help of faithful, God-fearing individuals to bring my story of spiritual transformation to my Jewish kin. Participating in the quest to return our fellow Jews to our God can correct the centuries of Christian missionizing of the Jewish people, who have always been bound by a covenant with God. In your efforts to aid us, may you find your own personal redemption: “I will bless those who bless you…” (Genesis 12:3).

May our world be speedily healed with your help and may you be abundantly blessed within it, Amen.

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Crimson to White: Secrets of a Spiritual Rebirth
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