Having transformed from East Coast American Jewish liberal to joyous Torah-observer living out our people’s destiny in Israel, I dedicate this website to you, my beloved American Jewish friends.
Our Jewish world today is divided into two passionate camps with one soul. That soul is utopian, idealistic, and peace-loving. Observant Jews know by virtue of our Jewish education and deep personal fulfillment that that idealistic Jewish soul is nurtured and brought to its highest fruition by living according to the elite rules of the Torah, which were custom-designed for us.
Assimilated Jews nobly yet naively try to impose their utopian worldview on an unsuitable world that cannot receive it. The secular world will only devour the delicate nature of the Jew, in time.

Subscribe and receive “Cracking Open the Jewish Code,” and
discover the only antidote for antisemitism!

God meant for the Jewish people to create an ideal society reflecting the will of God—to inspire the rest of humanity to forsake its corruption and fulfill its potential as made in the image of God. It is our duty to help the world to do so, through modeling and teaching the seven laws of Noah, which righteous non-Jews may honor within their own faiths. Jews have a crucial role to play in bringing about the unity of humankind under God!

We have chased utopia with so many philosophies: socialism, communism, free love, utilitarianism, atheism. Each becomes a dystopian nightmare when the greed, lust, and jealousy latent in the human heart assert themselves, poisoning every human design for achieving Paradise. As Sherlock Holmes said, “When you have eliminated all of which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

God has offered humanity simple laws for attaining a balance between freedom and duty. Non-Jews have seven; Jews have many more, because we bear the responsibility of representing God in the world. Therefore, we are required to reflect an exalted code of ethics.
Though every atom of our magnificent universe reflects the genius of a Creator, the Jewish and non-Jewish intelligentsia believes it has slain God. Discover the very human foible driving their rejection of God in the powerful essay “Smarter than Aristotle” when you enter your email.
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In my adopted country, the poorest, most cloistered native-Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jewish community—of which my family is not a part; mocked for their old-fashioned ways—consistently reports the most happiness and satisfaction with their lives, in survey after survey. Why? According to Aristotle’s teleology, their joy derives from devotedly fulfilling their purpose as Jews. With lives suffused with eternal meaning and significance, they forge their family’s link in the chain of Jewish history from Sinai to the Final Redemption. It doesn’t get much more important than that!

Knowing that every virtuous act God has commanded you fulfills the will of your loving Creator, who chose you to represent Him in the world, you have your fill of glory! And dwelling within a close-knit community that rejoices together and grieves together offers the best protection against existential loneliness, the twenty-first century plague. The loving community that all the various observant segments of Israeli society have helped to build has catapulted embattled Israel to fourth place in the 2023 World Happiness Report!

What if the Jewish people largely took the wrong lessons from the Holocaust, believing that safety lay in cultural assimilation, left-wing political activism, and contra-antisemitism hashtag campaigns? What if the only true haven for the Jewish people lies in returning to our eternal biblical covenant?

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal), an eighteenth-century mystic and philosopher, wrote, “All of history is but a revelation there is no power in the universe except God.” Today, we are witnessing anchors of security—such as government agencies, universities, marriage, the Israeli army, social media, the UN, science, celebrities, the American Medical Association, elections, the police—all be exposed as broken and helpless so that human beings will finally see the loving Creator Who lies behind them all, simply waiting for us to recognize and turn our hearts toward Him.

Read “Cracking Open the Jewish Code,” and find out how you can save our troubled world.

Beloved fellow Jews, yearning for a world of peace and brotherhood—such a Nirvana can be achieved, in partnership with God. My Jewish sisters and brothers, you hold the keys to soothing all the world’s chaos. All that is required is a change of paradigm. That change may feel like being hit by a tidal wave.

The God Who created the world chose you to stand for Him, gifting you His Torah to show you how to lead your lives.

The moment you let go of past assumptions and recognize this basic truth is when your freedom begins. Freedom from the pain of feeling unjustly targeted. Freedom from the fear of betrayal by those whom you thought you could trust. Freedom from the profound loneliness afflicting humans torn from the embrace of a loving God.

Subscribe and read “Cracking Open the Jewish Code,” deemed “compelling” by Rabbi Aharon Feldman, leading rabbinic scholar, sage, and Dean of Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore.

In our four thousand years as a people, despite the Crusades, inquisitions, expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust, and Islamist terrorism, the community of Jews I have been privileged to join has kept the Lord’s Sabbath. For one day a week, observant Jews detach from whatever circumstances they are in—disconnect from the fray, no matter how noisy, contentious, compelling, or God-forbid, terrifying—and sample a redeemed world of harmony and peace.
The Jewish Sabbath—with its repose, pleasure, and friendship—is a taste of our ideal world-to-come. For twenty-five straight hours, we relinquish our ambitions and acknowledge God’s majesty and sovereignty, surrendering our will to His benevolent laws in a day of unimaginably blissful transcendence.

Deeply connecting to the world’s Creator each week is how observant Jews will one day provide the moral clarity and wise guidance humanity needs to walk itself back from the brink of self-destruction. Empowered by the Lord’s word enshrined in our Torah, with thousands of years of its dedicated study and analysis, we will be ready and able to speak in God’s voice. Please join us, and find within our world—your world—all the utopian inspiration and dreams you are seeking.

Though we may feel painfully targeted as Jews today, when we return to our essence as God’s servants and embrace our designated role in world history,
Let us together invite God to usher in the utopian era when

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Although such a project is beyond the scope of this website, I challenge an interested Jewish sponsor to build another website wherein the thousands of worldwide Jewish baale teshuva (returnees to Torah observance) can video or record themselves sharing with our fellow Jews how much our lives have been enriched by undertaking the transcendent road back to God. Let there be a twenty-four-hour-a-day moving pageant of outreach, one audio/video at a time, Jew to Jews.
If we can do it, every Jew can!